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Joint Regeneration Treatment

1How does it work?
We use the PRP from your blood to inject directly into the joint. The growth factors in your PRP trigger a self-healing reaction, which repairs the damaged area.
2How long does it take to feel results?
Typically as early as 2 weeks. Results vary.
3Does it hurt?
You are awake during the entire procedure. Local anesthetic can be used if necessary. Following the procedure you may experience some tenderness to the area for a couple hours but, nothing significant.
4How long are the sessions?
They typically range from 30-45 minutes from start to finish.
5Will it work for me?
Results vary from person to person depending on the cause and degree of your joint pain. Dr. Jin will discuss expected results at your free consultation.
6What is Platelet Rich Plasma?
PRP is a small portion taken from your blood where we rely on the platelets to release growth factors to stimulate joint repair.
7What are the side effects?
There may be some mild discomfort after the procedure. We have never had any adverse effects from the procedure.
8How long do results last?
Everyone is different. We recommend that patients follow-up annually after having their first series of treatments. This will maintain or even boost results.
9How many treatments can I have?
Because the treatment uses your own platelets your body won’t reject it, thus you can undergo the treatment as many times as you like. Though we wouldn’t recommend more often than once a month.
10What do I need to do to prepare?
It is important to drink plenty of fluids and be sure to avoid taking any NSAIDs or anti-inflammatory drugs at least 1 week prior to getting treatment.
11What is the suggested time between treatments?
We recommend getting treatments 4-6 weeks apart
12Is this treatments safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women?
Yes. Because our treatments use your own blood there are no adverse side effects or risk of an allergic reaction occurring, and all treatments are custom-tailored to fit your individual situation.

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